Thursday, June 18, 2009

HGTV, Here We Come

A while ago Summer & Matt let us know that HGTV was looking for people in the Baltimore area who had recently renovated their space. The Queen contacted the show, we filled out the application, and over the past few weeks have been communicating with the Bang for your Buck folks. We found out yesterday that we were selected. :-)

The week of July 6th a film crew will descend on the rowhouse to film our great room, and a realtor and designer will critique the space while we look on. We are excited to be on the show, and are also really happy that Jon and Craig from Project Rowhouse will also be on the same episode.

While I'd love to spend every last minute fixing up the minor things before the film crew comes, we are off to Michigan for the week before July 4th and are out of town this weekend. Hopefully this will give the designer and realtor more items to critique. :-)


ethan@OPC said...

That's awesome! Can't wait to check you guys out on TV

Mrs. Limestone said...

Oh, how fun! You'll have to give us all the dirt on the HGTV stuff. I was pretty devasted when I learned that House Hunters was all staged.

Anthony said...

That's awesome! Can't wait to see both of you guys on there-you'll have to post the airing date! Do you know who the 3rd home is for the comparison?

Jon said...

I guess it's time for me to update the blog too... thanks for the shout!

We love the competition! ;)

Do you guys think we should do something so ridiculous that our episode is featured on The Soup?

Beancountingqueen said...

Jon, I have been thinking the same thing. Maybe Corey and I will turn the critique into a drinking game - i.e. every time the realtor / designer find a piece of trim that is missing we take a drink. Or penalty shots - if they don't like something that Corey picked, or something that I picked, that person has to take a shot. Either way, we have to have a joint viewing party so we can laugh at ourselves together :)

Jennifer said...

super-cool! can't wait to see the episode!

Unknown said...

Ha, sounds good. Craig's planning on milking his 15 minutes of fame by flipping out at the critique, pushing over the lights, slapping the producer and running out of house screaming expletives. If HGTV is reading, this is all a joke. :)

We're in for the viewing party, where shall it be?

Alissa said...

Hey-congratulations! I have been following your blog and can't wait to see the special on HGTV, that's awesome that two great Baltimore homes will be showcased on the ep. Side note-where are you from in Michigan? I'm from Ann Arbor and live in Baltimore now, and am always pleasantly surprised by the number of MI license plates I see around-I'm still clinging on to mine!

NV said...

OMG, Corey, that's TOO cool. Congrats! Can't wait to see it. Will be so awesome to say I "know" someone on one of those shows! :-)

carrie @ brick city love said...

SO cool!! I'd love to hear all the juicy behind the scenes details.

Michael said...

@ Jon- to get on The Soup... you should all serve some irresistible chicken tetrazzini! ;-)

Liz said...

Congrats! How exciting. It will be so fun to see you guys and your place!

Sherry @ Young House Love said...

Holy bananas that sounds like fun! Promise to give us the dirt on all the fun behind the scenes stuff, will ya?

Also is there any way you can update your blogroll from This Young House to Young House Love ( You can check out all the dirty details about the switch here:

And feel free to delete this part of the comment after the switch since it's kinda salesy- we just couldn't find an email for ya). Thanks a million! And definitely keep us posted on the HGTV thing!

Sherry (& John)
Young House Love